Quickstart Tutorial


MoonPIES is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

pip install moonpies

Alternatively, you can install the latest development version by forking the main GitHub repository, see the README for more details here.

Running Moonpies

Run MoonPIES from the terminal with the moonpies command. Check the version installed with:

moonpies -v

To run one model simulation with default parameters and a random seed, just type moonpies:


To choose a custom random seed, specify it as a number from 1 to 99999. Random seeds help with reproducibility, ensuring that model outputs will be consistnet if run with the same parameters and seed.

moonpies 12345

Plotting Moonpies Results

Some Python functions are provided to help visualize model results. After running the model, it should have printed the output directory. In Python, use that output directory with the plot_stratigraphy() function from the moonpies.plotting module:

from moonpies.plotting import plot_stratigraphy

More complicated plotting functions are available in the notebooks gallery, including publication quality figures with full code available in notebooks/figure_scripts/plot_figs.py. Some plots require the MoonPIES model to be run many times and then for the results to be aggregated into a single DataFrame with aggregate.py, also found in notebooks/figure_scripts/. See the following notebooks for examples:

Configuring Moonpies

MoonPIES parameters can be customized with a simple Python configuration file. To build a custom configuration file, make a .py file containing a single dictionary where the keys are parameter names of the Cfg class found in moonpies/config.py and the values are the desired values (note the value type must match those in config.py). It is recommmended to choose a descriptive run_name to associate with your run. For example:

# File named "my_config.py"
   'run_name': 'no_solarwind_dense_impactors',
   'solar_wind_ice': False,
   'impactor_density': 2000  # [kg m^-3]

Then, run MoonPIES with the -c or --cfg flag:

moonpies --cfg my_config.py

See the moonpies.config.Cfg class for full list of parameters and their default values here.